Monday, May 31, 2010

EMAILProtect: Secure e-mail addresses in Wordpress

I wrote a plugin for Wordpress which secures e-mail addresses from being found by spam spiders (and other crawlers).

The plugin rewrites e.g. "" to a JavaScript. The script displays a clickable link for the user, but the original string is hidden from "non-JavaScript crawlers".

Instead of updating the actual script here - and on other sites - will I only be using the Wordpress SVN.

I will, however, be answering questions and taking suggestions through the comments.

Wordpress plugin site:

Fun fact #1: In less than one week on Wordpress, EMAILProtect was downloaded more than 1000 times.


  1. Thanks! It's a great plunin.

    But how I know it does work after activation?

  2. @Shaw Thank you!

    If you look in the source code of the lodad page you won't be finding a e-mail address. If you search for "plug_emp" in the source code of the page you will see a JavaScript where it's suppose to be a e-mail address. Hope this helps!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Will be good idea to sort it out with some perfection because there are some good principles as well that we must needs to consider and put with best results. how to copy a wordpress site

  5. When the average Internet user visits a website, there's a lot of information being exchanged between the Regular SSL or device and the web host. These transactions can unfortunately be breached-and quite easily-and thus hacking and identify theft are always major issues to contend with online for any frequent net user or businessperson. Knowing which sites to trust and letting users know that you can be trusted may all boil down to an SSL Certificate.
